Understanding Adult Sexual Abuse: Breakout Session from SBC 2023

Understanding Adult Sexual Abuse: Breakout Session from SBC 2023

Dr. Heather Evans had the honor to present on the topic of Adult Sexual Abuse with Pastor Todd Benkert and Chellee & Peter Taylor at a breakout session at the Southern Baptist Convention 2023 annual meeting in New Orleans.  Please watch and listen to the recording of the session below. Consider sharing with others to…

#ChurchToo Through the Lens of Trauma

#ChurchToo Through the Lens of Trauma

#ChurchToo is a social media movement that illuminates abuse in church or ministry environments. The movement enables survivors to “advocate, share their stories, and connect with one another using the hashtag #ChurchToo.” Dr. Evans and Hannah Wildasin’s article in the Journal of Urban Mission takes a look at sexual abuse in the church. From the…

Refugees: Their Experience & Our Perception
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Refugees: Their Experience & Our Perception

I am preparing to attend a Community of Practice this week organized by the American Bible Society.  This annual gathering includes an opportunity to network and learn from those committed to domestic and global trauma healing. This year’s theme is “We are Sojourners:  Refugees & Trauma.”  It is an appropriate theme in a glaring, growing…

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  Today I attended the sentencing hearing for a local human trafficker.  Over the last 2 years since his arrest, VAST (Valley Against Sex Trafficking) Coalition, has sought to work alongside law enforcement and prosecutors by providing stabilizing support for 7 of the victims. The room was glaringly empty. A newspaper reporter, and a couple…

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Lessons Learned While Ministering to Young People

I am preparing to teach a group of high school girls this weekend at a youth retreat. I have the privilege of talking about Deborah, a model of Biblical womanhood, and her partnership with Barak, a picture of God’s design for men and women partnering in mission as we reflect the image of our Creator. …