Understanding Adult Sexual Abuse

Understanding Adult Sexual Abuse: Breakout Session from SBC 2023

Dr. Heather Evans had the honor to present on the topic of Adult Sexual Abuse with Pastor Todd Benkert and Chellee & Peter Taylor at a breakout session at the Southern Baptist Convention 2023 annual meeting in New Orleans.  Please watch and listen to the recording of the session below. Consider sharing with others to…

Emancipation Nation Podcast: The Trauma Learning Journey
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Emancipation Nation Podcast: The Trauma Learning Journey

Dr. Heather Evans sits down with Dr. Celia Williamson on the podcast Emancipation Nation to discuss how to best help survivors of trafficking heal. So often people say they are “walking alongside survivors” but are not certain how to help. Dr. Evans explains what being trauma informed is and offers helpful insight to avoid retraumatizing…

Lessons Learned in Quarantine during a Global Pandemic
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Lessons Learned in Quarantine during a Global Pandemic

Quarantine. When it seems all has been stripped away, what remains? Comfort traded for uncertainty. Ease becomes disruption. Anticipation leads to loss. Shared spaces become divided souls. Joyful moments to forced boundaries. Sense of time is disordered (how do weeks feel more like months, yet how have we lost two months already?!). What has this…

#ChurchToo Through the Lens of Trauma

#ChurchToo Through the Lens of Trauma

#ChurchToo is a social media movement that illuminates abuse in church or ministry environments. The movement enables survivors to “advocate, share their stories, and connect with one another using the hashtag #ChurchToo.” Dr. Evans and Hannah Wildasin’s article in the Journal of Urban Mission takes a look at sexual abuse in the church. From the…

Voices of Sex Trafficking Survivors with OT Uncorked

Voices of Sex Trafficking Survivors with OT Uncorked

Dr. Heather Evans and Miranda from the OT Uncorked podcast talk about Heather’s work with VAST, the Voices of Sex Trafficking Survivors project, and how the work of trauma found Heather. They discuss what trauma is, how to approach healing and how to take what you learn and take action. To hear more of this…